EPA-Logo-New-Full-Colour Recognised by Sport England as the Governing Body for Pool in England Sport-England-Badge

England Trials - 2020

Seniors Trials
Round 1 (5)
Round 1/Round 2/Round 3/Round 4/Round 5/Round 6/Round 7/Top
Wed 26th February 9pm
Shaun Eaton-Lees(R3)03Glen Pilkington(R2)
Anthony Morgan(R1)31Stephen Chambers(R8)
Andy Pond(Retriallist)03Steve Bell(R5)
Paul Willis(Retriallist)32Graham Bryan(R4)
Chris Knock(R7)13Tony Kay(Retriallist)
Brian Wilson(R4)32Trevor Clark(R6)
Gary Humphries(R4)03Mick Ferguson(Retriallist)
Neil Orton(R8)23David Ibbs(R2)
Paul Dobson(R3)13Billy White(R5)
David Crawford(R1)32Steve Dowdell(R4)
Jason Grigor(R6)23Andy Walden(R7)
Colin Harris(R7)31Paul Marsh(R6)
Brian Wilson(R4)30Steve Martinucci(R1)
David Neary(R5)03Paul Devey(R3)
Dave Wileman(R8)23Shaun Sweetmore(R2)
Roger Hunt(R5)32Darren Selman(R6)
Clinton Lenoir(R3)30Michael Baker(R1)
John Blewitt(R1)03Steve Prince(R3)
Andy Pollard(R6)13Alan Hayden(R2)
Jeremy Maddern(R7)31Darren Adams(R8)
Neil Toms(R4)32Mike Quinn(R5)
Martin Kirby(R5)23Jason Ford(R4)
Alan Dale(R8)31Paul McNeil(R7)
Carl Bromley(R2)32Jon Perrow(R6)
Ian Duffy(R3)30Will Doidge(R6)
John Hopkinson(R1)31Andy Shaw(R7)
Graham Taylor(R6)32Liam Stanley(R8)
Paul Dawson(R7)03Farat Buta(R2)
Gordon Fyvie(R4)13Nick Burton(R3)
Jason Godbeer(R5)32Steve Payne(R1)
Lee Ross(R8)32Phillip Ledgerton(R4)
Wayne Corless(R2)13John O'Shea(R5)
Round 2 (5)
Round 1/Round 2/Round 3/Round 4/Round 5/Round 6/Round 7/Top
Thu 27th February 9am
Glen Pilkington(R2)31Steve Bell(R5)
Anthony Morgan(R1)30Paul Willis(Retriallist)
Tony Kay(Retriallist)31Mick Ferguson(Retriallist)
Brian Wilson(R4)32David Ibbs(R2)
Billy White(R5)32Andy Walden(R7)
David Crawford(R1)31Colin Harris(R7)
Brian Wilson(R4)30Shaun Sweetmore(R2)
Paul Devey(R3)03Roger Hunt(R5)
Clinton Lenoir(R3)13Alan Hayden(R2)
Steve Prince(R3)31Jeremy Maddern(R7)
Neil Toms(R4)31Alan Dale(R8)
Jason Ford(R4)30Carl Bromley(R2)
Ian Duffy(R3)23Graham Taylor(R6)
John Hopkinson(R1)32Farat Buta(R2)
Nick Burton(R3)13Lee Ross(R8)
Jason Godbeer(R5)32John O'Shea(R5)
Shaun Eaton-Lees(R3)23Andy Pond(Retriallist)
Stephen Chambers(R8)23Graham Bryan(R4)
Chris Knock(R7)32Gary Humphries(R4)
Trevor Clark(R6)23Neil Orton(R8)
Paul Dobson(R3)23Jason Grigor(R6)
Steve Dowdell(R4)13Paul Marsh(R6)
Steve Martinucci(R1)13Dave Wileman(R8)
David Neary(R5)13Darren Selman(R6)
Michael Baker(R1)03Andy Pollard(R6)
John Blewitt(R1)03Darren Adams(R8)
Mike Quinn(R5)30Paul McNeil(R7)
Martin Kirby(R5)03Jon Perrow(R6)
Will Doidge(R6)03Liam Stanley(R8)
Andy Shaw(R7)32Paul Dawson(R7)
Gordon Fyvie(R4)13Phillip Ledgerton(R4)
Steve Payne(R1)31Wayne Corless(R2)
Round 3 (5)
Round 1/Round 2/Round 3/Round 4/Round 5/Round 6/Round 7/Top
Glen Pilkington(R2)03Tony Kay(Retriallist)
Anthony Morgan(R1)32Brian Wilson(R4)
Billy White(R5)13Brian Wilson(R4)
David Crawford(R1)23Roger Hunt(R5)
Alan Hayden(R2)03Neil Toms(R4)
Steve Prince(R3)31Jason Ford(R4)
Graham Taylor(R6)32Lee Ross(R8)
John Hopkinson(R1)30Jason Godbeer(R5)
Shaun Eaton-Lees(R3)31Gary Humphries(R4)
Stephen Chambers(R8)31Trevor Clark(R6)
Paul Dobson(R3)30Steve Martinucci(R1)
Steve Dowdell(R4)31David Neary(R5)
Michael Baker(R1)32Paul McNeil(R7)
John Blewitt(R1)03Martin Kirby(R5)
Will Doidge(R6)23Gordon Fyvie(R4)
Paul Dawson(R7)30Wayne Corless(R2)
Steve Bell(R5)03Andy Pollard(R6)
Paul Willis(Retriallist)31Darren Adams(R8)
Mick Ferguson(Retriallist)30Mike Quinn(R5)
David Ibbs(R2)30Jon Perrow(R6)
Andy Walden(R7)32Liam Stanley(R8)
Colin Harris(R7)30Andy Shaw(R7)
Shaun Sweetmore(R2)23Phillip Ledgerton(R4)
Paul Devey(R3)23Steve Payne(R1)
Clinton Lenoir(R3)23Andy Pond(Retriallist)
Jeremy Maddern(R7)13Graham Bryan(R4)
Alan Dale(R8)31Chris Knock(R7)
Carl Bromley(R2)30Neil Orton(R8)
Ian Duffy(R3)32Jason Grigor(R6)
Farat Buta(R2)03Paul Marsh(R6)
Nick Burton(R3)13Dave Wileman(R8)
John O'Shea(R5)32Darren Selman(R6)
Round 4 (5)
Round 1/Round 2/Round 3/Round 4/Round 5/Round 6/Round 7/Top
Tony Kay(Retriallist)32Brian Wilson(R4)
Anthony Morgan(R1)23Roger Hunt(R5)
Neil Toms(R4)32Graham Taylor(R6)
Steve Prince(R3)31John Hopkinson(R1)
Glen Pilkington(R2)32Colin Harris(R7)
Billy White(R5)30Steve Payne(R1)
Alan Hayden(R2)13Graham Bryan(R4)
Lee Ross(R8)23Carl Bromley(R2)
Andy Pollard(R6)30Paul Marsh(R6)
Mick Ferguson(Retriallist)31John O'Shea(R5)
Andy Walden(R7)32Brian Wilson(R4)
Phillip Ledgerton(R4)31David Crawford(R1)
Andy Pond(Retriallist)32Jason Ford(R4)
Alan Dale(R8)32Jason Godbeer(R5)
Ian Duffy(R3)30Paul Willis(Retriallist)
Dave Wileman(R8)32David Ibbs(R2)
Shaun Eaton-Lees(R3)03Andy Shaw(R7)
Paul Dobson(R3)32Paul Devey(R3)
Michael Baker(R1)30Jeremy Maddern(R7)
Gordon Fyvie(R4)23Neil Orton(R8)
Steve Bell(R5)30Farat Buta(R2)
Mike Quinn(R5)30Darren Selman(R6)
Liam Stanley(R8)32Stephen Chambers(R8)
Shaun Sweetmore(R2)30Steve Dowdell(R4)
Clinton Lenoir(R3)23Martin Kirby(R5)
Chris Knock(R7)13Paul Dawson(R7)
Jason Grigor(R6)23Darren Adams(R8)
Nick Burton(R3)13Jon Perrow(R6)
Round 5 (5)
Round 1/Round 2/Round 3/Round 4/Round 5/Round 6/Round 7/Top
Tony Kay(Retriallist)23Neil Toms(R4)
Roger Hunt(R5)03Steve Prince(R3)
Brian Wilson(R4)31Graham Taylor(R6)
Anthony Morgan(R1)03Dave Wileman(R8)
Glen Pilkington(R2)03John Hopkinson(R1)
Billy White(R5)31Graham Bryan(R4)
Andy Pollard(R6)31Carl Bromley(R2)
Mick Ferguson(Retriallist)30Andy Walden(R7)
Andy Pond(Retriallist)13Phillip Ledgerton(R4)
Alan Dale(R8)13Ian Duffy(R3)
Colin Harris(R7)30Neil Orton(R8)
Alan Hayden(R2)13Shaun Sweetmore(R2)
Paul Marsh(R6)13Mike Quinn(R5)
Brian Wilson(R4)30Paul Dawson(R7)
Jason Ford(R4)30Steve Payne(R1)
Paul Willis(Retriallist)03Jon Perrow(R6)
Andy Shaw(R7)03Lee Ross(R8)
Michael Baker(R1)32David Crawford(R1)
Steve Bell(R5)32Jason Godbeer(R5)
Liam Stanley(R8)32John O'Shea(R5)
Martin Kirby(R5)31David Ibbs(R2)
Darren Adams(R8)32Paul Dobson(R3)
Round 6 (5)
Round 1/Round 2/Round 3/Round 4/Round 5/Round 6/Round 7/Top
Neil Toms(R4)30Steve Prince(R3)
Tony Kay(Retriallist)23Ian Duffy(R3)
Brian Wilson(R4)32Roger Hunt(R5)
John Hopkinson(R1)13Mick Ferguson(Retriallist)
Phillip Ledgerton(R4)31Billy White(R5)
Andy Pollard(R6)03Dave Wileman(R8)
Graham Taylor(R6)23Brian Wilson(R4)
Glen Pilkington(R2)23Graham Bryan(R4)
Carl Bromley(R2)03Michael Baker(R1)
Andy Pond(Retriallist)23Liam Stanley(R8)
Colin Harris(R7)13Darren Adams(R8)
Mike Quinn(R5)23Anthony Morgan(R1)
Jason Ford(R4)23Jon Perrow(R6)
Lee Ross(R8)23Alan Dale(R8)
Steve Bell(R5)30Shaun Sweetmore(R2)
Martin Kirby(R5)30Andy Walden(R7)
Round 7 (5)
Round 1/Round 2/Round 3/Round 4/Round 5/Round 6/Round 7/Top
Steve Prince(R3)13Mick Ferguson(Retriallist)
Dave Wileman(R8)30Brian Wilson(R4)
Phillip Ledgerton(R4)03Ian Duffy(R3)
Round Robin (5)
Round 1/Round 2/Round 3/Round 4/Round 5/Round 6/Round 7/Top
RR Group 1 Roger Hunt (R5)13RR Group 1 Andy Pollard
RR Group 1 Roger Hunt (R5)13RR Group 1 Alan Dale (R8)
RR Group 1 Andy Pollard31RR Group 1 Alan Dale (R8)
RR Group 2 Billy White (R5)31RR Group 2 Michael Baker (R1)
RR Group 2 Michael Baker (R1)03RR Group 2 John Perrow (R6)
RR Group 2 Billy White (R5)32RR Group 2 John Perrow (R6)
RR Group 3 Steve Bell (R5)03RR Group 3 Liam Stanley (R8)
RR Group 3 Steve Bell (R5)13RR Group 3 Anthony Morgan (R1)
RR Group 3 Liam Stanley (R8)31RR Group 3 Anthony Morgan (R1)
RR Group 4 Martin Kirby (R5)23RR Group 4 Darren Adams (R8)
RR Group 4 Martin Kirby (R5)32RR Group 4 Tony Kay (Retrialist)
RR Group 4 Darren Adams (R8)32RR Group 4 Tony Kay (Retrialist)
RR Group 5 Harris Ali (Retrialist)32RR Group 5 Graham Bryan (R4)
RR Group 5 Graham Bryan (R4)30RR Group 5 John Hopkinsin (R1)
RR Group 5 Harris Ali (Retrialist)31RR Group 5 John Hopkinsin (R1)
Round 8 (5)
Liam Stanley(R8)31Billy White(R5)
Harris Ali (Retrialist)32Andy Pollard(R6)
Darren Adams(R8)13Phillip Ledgerton(R4)
Steve Prince(R3)32Brian Wilson(R4)
Updated by RedsealSW 2.10.4 on 28/2/2020 at 00:03


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